“Spread the light, Join the fight”

Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle for where we’re going. There’s something a head worth fighting for.

Corona Virus is trying to eradicate mankind, so let’s reduce the threat by staying in home quarantine.

When darkness comes, Let us not condemn the dark but light a lamp to illuminate and blast a chain of sorrow to shoot a rocket of prosperity.

The beauty of Darkness is that it has the capacity to hide all the hardships of existence. So in this darkness let’s fill up the glow by lighting a candle.

 So, let’s lit up the candles together to extort the darkness on 5th April 2020 at 9 pm for 9 min.

#COVID -19#IndiaFightCorona#StayHomeStaySafe#9PM9Minutes#IEEEVECSB#IEEEVECCSSBC#VaagdeviEngineeringCollege