Inauguration ceremony of Communications and Signal Processing Joint Societies

Communications and Signal Processing Joint Societies

The inauguration ceremony of Communications and Signal Processing Joint Societies was organised by IEEE VEC SB today at 10:45 a.m with the guidance of Branch counsellor Dr P. Prasad Rao, with a count of 91 participants. Dr Lalitha Vadlamani, Chairperson of SPCOM,IEEE Hyderabad Section and Dr G Sreelakshmi, Chairperson of Students Activities Committee were the Chief guests. Mr M Ramu, Branch Co-ordinator of IEEE VEC SB inaugurated this society. It was followed by a session on the theme Membership benefits and Volunteer opportunities offered by IEEE Communication and Signal Processing Societies by Dr Lalitha Vadlamani. Later on the best content writer, designer and active volunteers for the month of May, 2020 were announced by Mr M Ramu. Finally the event ended up with the Vote of Thanks by Miss G Anjali, Chairperson of SPCOM,IEEE VEC SB.